Training and Documentary videos

made easy!

Get Started Features

EasyXplainer™ helps you build engaging narrated videos.

EasyXplainer™ makes it simple to build and publish engaging videos that showcase your products, train your employees, or share your personal experiences.

  • Create videos from your still photos, screen shots and diagrams
  • Add audio narration to the video for each video section by providing the text of that narration
  • Choose from a list of voices and languages to narrate your video
  • Download your video or publish to YouTube


EasyXplainer™ offers a number of standard and advanced features that help you quickly create engaging videos with audio voice overs that enhance the viewing experience of your audience.

Selecting Images

EasyXplainer™ helps you select the images you want to appear in your video and allows you to reorder or remove them however it makes sense.


EasyXplainer™ allows you to choose how the video transitions to and from an image. Whether its' fading, growing, or sliding in, you're covered.

Image Effects

Choose what your image is doing in the video while the narration is occurring. Maybe a nice "Ken Burns" effect.


When you are finished ordering images, applying behaviors and narration, EasyXplainer™ will generate your mp4 video for you to view and publish.

Contact Us

Contact us to learn more about EasyXplainer™ and how it can help you and your business to easily provide enhanced content to your Web and SocialMedia sites.


Hadley, MA 01035, USA

Phone Number

+1 000-000-0000

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